What a great break and start to 2024. I had some time to reflect and it took me back to why? Why did I choose to step back from full time employment, why did I choose to start Olawill? I thought back and realized I didn’t like how things were being done and there were limited decisions I could make on how to engage tenants who were often small businesses or charities. It has been a full year since I had this come to Jesus moment, literally. Since then, I have changed pretty much every facet of my life including starting this business. I realized that your life has to reflect your values. There is no point in holding values in and continuing to do as you are told.
So instead of trying to find a property company that shared my values (I believe they are out there), I thought to build one. A company that builds in fairness, integrity, professionalism no matter the size or type of business we are dealing with.
You probably believe these are all high minded and lofty ideals, especially when you contrast it with the industry and the cold stare you get of “it’s just business,” but I know this is right for me to strive for because the more I start to live it, the more I can rest well at night knowing that my leasing advice or strategy consultation has improved a small business’s or charity’s chance of surviving even if it’s just slightly.
How’s that for purpose? 2024 will be a fantastic year and I want my business to thrive, I hope yours does also! If you would like to discuss any commercial property or leasing matters, reach out via LinkedIn for a free consultation!#EthicalBusinessPractices #SupportSmallBusiness #StartupMindset #EntrepreneurJourney #ReflectingOnPurpose #NewBeginnings #SmallBiz #CharitySupport